Student Posts

PowerPoint Presentation Rubric

2 points
3 points
4 points
5 points
Difficult to hear speaker at all
Sometimes difficult to hear the speaker
Appropriate volume used most of the time
Loud enough to easily be heard
Sounds lifeless and robotic
Uses some inflection but still flat
Uses appropriate inflection most of the time
Uses voice to engage audience and stress important points
Rushes through presentation
Occasionally speaks at an appropriate rate but mostly rushes
Rushes once or twice but mostly speaks at an appropriate rate
Speaks at a rate that is appropriate and easy to understand
Citations & Reference Page
Sometimes copyright guidelines are followed and some information, photos and graphics do not use proper APA citations
Few or one or the other copyright guidelines are followed, citations and references and some information, photos and graphics do not use proper APA citations.
Most sources of information use proper APA citation, and sources are documented  to make it possible to check on the accuracy of information on the reference page
photos and graphics do not use proper APA citations.
Sources of information are properly cited so that the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presented.
All sources of information, including photos and graphics are clearly identified and credited using APA citations throughout the project and on the reference page.
1 points
3 points
4 points
5 points
Topic Announced
Audience has no idea what the report is on
Vaguely tells what report covers
Explains what the report is covering
Clearly explains what the report is covering
Completeness of Content
One or more points left out
Majority of points glossed over
Majority of points covered in depth, some points glossed over
Thoroughly explains all points
Shows absolutely no interest in topic presented
Shows little interest about topic
 Shows interest about topic most of the time
Demonstrates a strong positive feeling about topic during presentation
Not enough preparation was done for the presentation of the information; it therefore lacks many elements of what is expected and is prepared to include lengthy inserts and reads verbatim the topical content.
The information presented is not clearly displayed throughout the project and relies mostly on lengthy slide inserts and therefore displays the tendency to reads each slide verbatim.
The student presents the information fairly clearly and displays a reasonable understanding of their information and avoids the use of lengthy slide inserts and reads verbatim the topical content. 
The student presents the information clearly and displays a complete understanding of their information by excluding lengthy slide inserts yet uses short concise bullets which are informative and guides the presentation content.
1 points
3 points
4 points
5 points
Lakota Language use and Wotakuye (kinship)
Unacceptable in modeling language, kinship and Lakota protocol within the presentation and demonstrates unacceptable demonstration of Lakota Values of respect, generosity, and humility.
Acceptable in modeling language, kinship and Lakota protocol within the presentation and demonstrates acceptable Lakota values of respect, generosity, and humility.
Good in modeling language, kinship and Lakota protocol within the presentation and demonstrates good Lakota values of respect, generosity, and humility in the presentation.
Exemplary in modeling language, kinship and Lakota protocol within the presentation and shows exemplary demonstration of Lakota values of respect, generosity, and humility in the presentation.
Cultural Content Connection
Does not show an understanding of the topic and therefore does not integrate Lakota                concepts.
Shows a basic understanding of the topic and integrates Lakota concepts within the content
Shows a good understanding of the topic and integrates Lakota concepts.
Shows exemplary understanding of the topic and integrates Lakota concepts.
Total Points:

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