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Concept Inquiry

Concept/Inquiry Lesson Plan Format                                        

Subject: (From SDDOE Language Arts Content Standards)
Grade Level: 1st Grade
Materials: (Consider all Materials)

Warm-Up-Activity or Set: Typically, is no longer than 15 minutes long. The purpose is to prepare the learner for learning. A good warm-up relates to the topic yet does not have too.  Although it is best if it does since it will provide a smooth transition into the topic of the lesson.

Goal (s): This is what you want the learner to be able to learn as a result of your lesson. (From SDDOE Do) Consider a written goal which reflects: A Knowledge Goal
·         A Skill Goal
·         A Language Goal

Consider I Can or Students Can Statements related to the goals.

Objective (s): This is how you will achieve your goals.  You may choose to use the following the A,B,C,D format to assist in writing objectives for direct instruction.  A = Age, B = Behavior, C = Condition, D = Degree Note: Consider a written objectives that include:

·         A Knowledge Objective
·         A Skill Objective
·         A Language Objective

Vocabulary: List any new words which will assist in the learning.

Introduction: This involves the introduction to the lesson for the learner.  It moves into the lecture part of the lesson where the teacher introduces the topic and explains the lesson and then leads into the guided-practice. For Concept Inquiry Teaching you may determine here whether your lesson will include a Direct Presentation or Concept Attainment approach. Note: write your dialogue specifically.

·         Direct Presentation Approach: This approach consists of the teacher first naming and defining the concept and then providing students with examples and none examples to reinforce their understanding of the concept. The focus is on labeling and defining the concept (Arends, 2012, p. 344). This approach may require a Guided Practice.
·         Concept Attainment Approach: Teacher give examples and none examples of a particular concept first, and students discover or attain the concept themselves through the process of inductive reasoning (Arends, 2012, p. 344). This approach may not include a Guided Practice.

Guided Practice: You will want to include a practice before you have students move into a guided practice. Refer back to your objectives here. Recall, Concept Attainment Approach is for self-discovery and will not include a Guided Practice.  

Independent Practice: Students will then work independently to complete your lesson. The independent practice will reinforce your objective (s). Note: Consider your expected behavior here – use CHAMPS to prepare the learning environment.

Closure: Here is where you check to see if your objectives have been reached/obtained. Do not confuse this with your assessment. This maybe questions you’ve produced to see if students have reached your goals.

Assessment: This relays back to your objective, which follows the A,B,C,D, Format.  It is the D or to what degree have your students met your goal by demonstrating an understanding of your objective.  

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