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Multimedia Based Stage Theory Assignment

Multimedia Based Stage Theory Characteristics and Presentation Assignment (100 pts):  

 Assignment: Your research will trace the emergence of particular period of development which inspires you to delve into. You will choose a developmental stage below. From the chosen developmental stage create a blog or a PowerPoint or a Student Report (following Microsoft Word Format).  Following the developmental level, research the subheadings writing about each stage. Be inclusive of graphics, related videos/multimedia formats which enrich the content of your project. Include a title page, table of contents, graphics, videos, in-text citations, and a reference page).  In accordance to the video this assignment is due during week 9.  Parts of this can be used to assist in the development of the required Educational Theory Matrix. For this course we will not include the development domains for the prenatal period or the emerging adulthood. You will also be required to present this assignment. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Domains of Development: Development is often divided into three broad domains:

1.       Physical

2.       Cognitive

3.       Emotional and social

Periods of Development: Researchers usually use the following age periods, as each brings new capacities and social expectations that serve as important transitions in major theories.

1.       The prenatal periods: From conception to birth.

2.       Infancy and toddlerhood: From birth to 2 years. (Sensorimotor Stage)

a.       Repeating Chance Behavior

                                                                i.      Circular reaction

b.      Intentional Behavior

                                                                i.      Intentional or goal-directed behavior

                                                               ii.      Object permanence

                                                             iii.      A-not-B search error (sensory motor development)

                                                             iv.      Tertiary circular reaction

c.       Mental Representation

                                                                i.      Deferred imitation – or make believe play

d.      Object Permanence

                                                                i.      Violation-of-expectation method

e.      Searching for Objects Hidden in More Than One Location

f.        Mental Representations

                                                                i.      Deferred imitation

                                                               ii.      Categorization

                                                             iii.      Analogical problem solving

3.       Early childhood: From 2 to 6 years. (Preoperational Stage)

a.       Make-Believe Play

                                                                i.      Sociodramatic play

b.      Drawings

                                                                i.      From scribbles to pictures

                                                               ii.      Cultural variations in development of drawings

c.       Symbol-real world relations

                                                                i.      Dual representation

d.      Inability to conserve

                                                                i.      Conservation

                                                               ii.      Centration

                                                             iii.      Reversability

e.      Egocentrism

f.        Animistic and magical thinking

g.       Illogical thought

h.      Categorization

i.         Appearance versus reality

4.       Middle childhood: From 6 to 11 years. (Concrete Operational)

a.       Conservation

b.      Classification

c.       Seriation

                                                                i.      Transitive inference

d.      Spatial reasoning

e.      Cognitive maps

5.       Adolescents: From 11 to 18 years. (Formal Operational)

a.       Hypothetico-deductive reasoning and prepositional thought

b.      Propositional thought

c.       Consequences of abstract thought

                                                                i.      Self-consiousness and self-focusing

1.       Imaginary audience 

2.       Personal fable

d.      Idealism and criticism

e.      Decision making

f.        Logical necessity

6.       Emerging adulthood: From 18 to 25 years.


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